Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Almost went to doggie school last night. But we made a mistake and it starts next week. I’ve never been to school so I was a little worried. There are some intelligent dogs out there. My owner mom kept telling me to be nice. I’m always nice.

The place had lots of animals. I saw some little kitties and some giant puppies. The kitties were cute. I could see playing with one. Just a little bigger than my dirty ducky. We got kind of lost. Then we found a class with only humans and no dogs. But we left.

The place was named Dumb Friends. I don’t think I need any more dumb friends, I’ve got Arrow, and enough smart friends. But my owner mom brought the clicker and the yummy chicken snacks so school can’t be too bad if it has food


Lorenza said...

Hi, Deefor.
Don't be worried about school. I am sure you will like it a lot once you are in there!
You are a smart one and you will learn things pretty soon.
Let us know how is it, ok?
Have a good night

Dobby said...

Dear Deefor,
My MomDad took me to school at the mall (Petsmart) when I was wee and it was sort of fun. There are other dogs there to sniff and really it's just a bunch of standing around, the MomDads saying stuff loudly as if we can't hear them, and then the giving of the treats. That is the best part. Are you and Arrow both going to the same school? Scarlett is starting school later this month and Mom was wondering if I shouldn't go with just to watch her.


P.S. I'd be a little skeptical about a school that's called Dumb Friends. Do they think we need to go to school to get dumb? Maybe they want us to be at their intellectual level?

Deefor said...

I'm going to school alone. They started this thing before Arrow. Maybe I can teach him stuff.
