Friday, July 25, 2008

Dear Deefor and More

Dear Deefor,
Hey, I've put on weight. What can I do?

Butt wiggles,

Solid Gold Dancer

Dear Solid Gold,
The way your mom cooks and gives you restaurant food—who wouldn’t put on weight? I’d love
to get fat that way! (If you have any doggie bags—ha, ha,--send them to me!) I think you look cute.


Dear Deefor,
I have got a question, can you help me with it if you don't mind?
Can you tell me how I can escape from my weekly baths?

Huskee Boy

Poor Huskee Boy (or should I call you Bathtub Boy)

Weekly Baths!!!??? I never heard of anything so bad. That’s torture. Tell your mom I think that’s been outlawed by the Geneva Convention along with water-boarding.


I have to thank Kodak and Abby for giving me this wonderful and beautiful award.
Here is the rules....

1. You have to pick FIVE blogs that you consider deserve this award for creativity, design, interesting material and also contribute to the blogger community regardless of language.

2. Each award has to have the name of the author and a link to his/her blog to be visited.

3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given him/her the award itself.

4. Award winners and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of the "Arte-y-Pico" blog so everyone will know the origin of the award.

5. In compliance with said RULES, the award winner must show the RULES.

I would like to pass it to Charlie Comet and Blu Poppy and Rusty

I’ve been tagged by Furby and Twister to think of something my parents could do to make me a happy dog....

I’m a pretty happy dog so this took some thinking.

Bones make me happy. I like riding in the car. (Except to the vet and the groomer) Playing with other doggie friends like Avalanche is good. Running around loose is good.

Maybe my humans could move to a place with a yard. But if we had a yard maybe they’d never take me for walkies. My humans are lazy like that.

Maybe getting rid of Arrow would make me a happier doggie.

Pros: Doing more stuff with the humans
Getting all the belly rubs and smooches
Not having to be so bossy all the time

Cons: Not getting yummy treats for pooping and stuff
Not eating canned food sometimes—Arrow poops a lot so we get special stuff
Not having anyone to boss around
That’s about even pro and con. Guess we’ll keep him.

I think I'd be really happy if my humans never went anywhere without taking me. They shouldn’t work. Whenever they go out, they should take me to a fun place. Then I’d be happy all the time.

I'm passing this to Lorenza to see what she wishes for.


Lacy said...

w00f's Deefor and Arrow, me likes ur dear deefor answers...congrats on ur award...and thats a cool tag...nahhh dont git rid of arrow..

b safe,

Lady Kaos said...

Weekly baths? Poor Huskee Boy!!!
I'd be much happier if my parents didn't have to go to work or anything like that, too!
Have a gret weekend!

Asta said...

You give the best advice..I agwee wif you about nevew wanting to be away fwom my pawents..I wish Daddi could wowk fwom home..Mommi plays sockew wif me while she paints ,but both of them home would be ideal
smoochie kisses

Lorenza said...

Hi, Deefor!
Hmmmmm.... yes, I am crazy liking baths!
Congratulations on your award!
You can't get rid of Arrow!
Thanks for tagging me. I am going to work on it this weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Abby said...

Hi, Deefor...

I'm glad you like your Award...You deserve it...

Good advise...I'm gonna tell my Mom about that Geneva Convention thing...

Abby xxxooo

River said...

Congratulations on your award! I think Amber-mae is cute as she is, too, good answer! Baths are torture, I agree.

love & wags,

the many Bs said...

hi Deefor, we think you give excellent advice. you have a gift for that.

it sounds like you have a pretty good life. you're right about the yard though. we have a big yard and our mom doesn't take us for walkies much. but she does play ball with us in the yard every night so that's cool. and she takes us to the dog park on weekends, so that's double cool. just not much walkies.


Chef said...

Hey Deefor. Congratulations on your award.. and if you're gonna get rid of Arrow, send him here to live with me. I'd love a little bro like him.


Kodak the Eskie said...

Oh! Deefor! I know amber Mae I and know she gets way too many goodies. Her Mommy is a great cook! Don't tell them I tattled.

Hugs, Kodak

Abby said...

Hi, Deefor...

You are funny...

My Mom says me & her probably would have enjoyed an Esteak Sale alot more...

Abby xxxooo

Ralph said...

Oh I agree- lets form together to get our parents to stop working- and work for us! All of us pups need personal assistants.


SotongFurkids said...

Hi Deefor
We also hope our parents can stay with us 24hrs a day....

I hope you had a good weekend !
Twister & Furby

L said...

Thank you for the award! We love the advice you give. Can you help us out?

Dear Deefor,
Our girl works too many hours and we don't get to visit our friends' blogs as often as we'd like. What can we do?
Comet and BLU

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Deefor,
Thank you for helping me out with my problem.. I am going to tell my mom abt the Geneva Convention right now!!
Congrats on your award too!

Amber-Mae said...

Thanks for your prompt reply. I got to eat a McD Hamburger last night. Hehehe! I think I've put non weight again.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

i said...

Hi Deefor, you are so wise! Can I ask for an advice? How do I get my human to give me more human food instead of kibbles?

Congrats on your award!