Sunday, July 20, 2008

Blogal Warming

All over the world blogging doggies are too hot. In some places it’s over 100 degrees!! Not sure what that means, but I know how it feels. Burning sidewalks. Hot sun on my back.

Some doggies don’t think Blogal Warming is real. Maybe they live in the North Pole with Santa. Doggies in Pennsylvania, Arizona, New York, Mexico, and lots of places I forget, are way too hot.

What can we do? I like to go away to a cool place in the mountains.

Or get wet. But the humans don’t always listen to me. And sometimes they work. Then I just sleep a lot. Blogal Warming makes me lazy.

Maybe I'm always lazy but it's worse when I'm hot. How hot is it where you are?


the many Bs said...

we don't like it when it gets hot either. we like to get wet. water is the best relief from hot. even though we hate to say it, a haircut helps too. it was 88 degrees in our house one day. we didn't like that too much, but usually it's in the 70's which is much better.


Lacy said...

w00f's deefor and arrow, i agree hot makes u wuz not to bad here last week, but gonna git warmer this week...

b safe,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Deefor!
I wish I had here a lake or a river to relieve my hot body but, no luck. Here is plain desert! There are not enough trees for a good shade either!
Today we are at 112 degrees. Right now I am in front of the fan and I don't want to move a paw!
Have a good nap!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

I don't even want to talk about how hot it is here. over 100 degrees until about october. argh.

Unknown said...

Ahh, Deefor, just the sight of you swimming in that nice cool water made me want to book a flight on Air Ruby and come out and join you. Since Mommy's hurt her leg, I've only been to the dog run once for a swim (when I went with Asta) and my poor paws are melting on the sidewalks here in New York. Could you send me a few snowballs to dip my toes into?

Your pal,


Abby said...

Hi, Deefor...

It's been about 90 or 95 here in Upstate New York...But REALLY humid & sticky...

Even though I hate the "Spa", I have to say, I am cooler...In fact, the day after my haircut I was freezing from the air conditioning...

We've had alot of those thunderstorms cuz of the heat...

Abby xxxooo

Abby said...

Hi, Deefor...

I gave you an Award...

Please stop by my Blog to pick it up...

Abby xxxooo

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Deefor,
I don't like hot weather makes me sleepy and cranky. And usually the mom does not take me out for walkies when it gets too hot here..

Asta said...

This has been the most awfullest unbeawably hot summew in my life..ugh!!!!!!!!
My toesies buwn..I get out of bweaf..and wowse still..I can't go play when it's this beastly

stay cool sweet fwiend
smoochie cooling kisses

L said...

We kind of like it when it gets really hot here (over 100). Then our girl turns on the air conditioning and gives us ice treats. Anything less than 100 and she usually just runs the fan while we melt.

To keep cool, I like to sleep on the chair under the a/c vent or on the concrete in front of the fire place. BLU likes to nap against the toilet (she drinks out of it too) or in a dirt cave she dug under the back porch.

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

It's so hot here in Arizona. The temperature dropped a little bit today because the humidity of monsoons are heading back our way!

So it's like 98 degrees with intense humidity. But last week it was about 112 I think, at least that's what the human's car said the temperature was. I like to lounge lots not that it's hot.

Hot sucks!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Girl Girl Hamster said...

It's hot where I am too. It's abour 30 degree celcius here

~ Girl girl

SotongFurkids said...

Singapore is hot too! Our Mom keep the fan on for us when she is out for work as she is worried that we might get heat stroke.

You have been tagged ! Come to our blog !
Twister & Furby

Willie and Waylon said...

Oh it is way too hot here - it is supposed to be 101!!! You look like you are staying cool!

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, I hate the hot weather here! And the worst thing is, it's hot everyday! But I guess you can get used to it after a while. Better than living in countries with 4 seasons. You'll tend to suffer more becoz you're not used to it as it only lasts like what? 2 or 3 months for each season? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer


Holy puppy poop. Not Blogal Warming, it's the end of life as we know it. No wonder it's so damn hot in Arizona.

Desert Pups

Charlie Daniels said...

It's a very comfortable 15 degress celcius here today.



Chef said...

It's been really hot here in Canada too. And today it's hot, humid and thunders. I don't like it when it's hot either because my furs are so short and it lets the heat in. Plus I have a squashed muzzle and it's hard for me to breath if I play too hard in the heat. BUT - when I think back to January when the snowbanks were l8 feet high, I choose the heat.

Stay cool.

i said...

The weather has been really crazy over here. We've not seen so much rain in a year! When it's not raining, it's really hot at 30-32 degrees celcius here.

Simba and Jazzi said...

Dropping by to say hello. Hope you had a great weekend.

Simba x

Snowball said...

Its pretty hot here in Singapore too but there are some rain recently to help cool off the weather a little. I am lazy most of the time too cos we get hot weather all year round. Perhaps I should consider to migrate to the North Pole too.


Nanette said...

We had a couple of days that were too hot but we are okay now, which is awesome cuz Stella hates getting wet.

Hope you cool down soon Deefor, keep up the good napping!

Kodak the Eskie said...

Hey Deefor! Stop by my blog to pick up an award!

Hugs, Kodak

River said...

It's hot here in Georgia. Everyday now it goes up to 90+ then a violent storm comes in and it drops to 80. Then we start again the next day. No doggies will go out in the rain.

love & wags,

Lady Kaos said...

It's too hot here. Today it's only 101! Yesterday was 102. I pretty much sleep all day when it's this hot, too.

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...


You still live right? Your humans didn't take you back out in the heat did they?

Are you still recovering from the weekend?

Mr. T-Bone Beasley