Thursday, January 31, 2008


A big Thank You to Ume for giving Arrow and me an award. Ume and so many other doggie blogs make my days. Good to find out what my doggie pals around the world are up to. Mostly eating better and dressing better than me—the naked dog!

We got a box of treats. My owners buy them in bulk now because there are no more shoes for Arrow to chew.

The Chewminator will chew whatever is around. Here is his signature bite on a blanket.

They’re smoked so they smell like human food. I don’t like them as much as Arrow. Mostly I take them all into my cage and make him mad.

I bury stuff under the blanket. Scary eyes, huh?

Arrow is crazy about them. He wants mine and I want his. Arrow barks and I growl. Usually late at night.

Our neighbor who lives under the living room is not happy. The humans splash Arrow with water when he barks. At first he liked it. A water treat. Now he is just confused.


Amber-Mae said...

Wow, a whole box of chewies all to yourselves! I'm sooo jealous...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Lorenza said...

Are those the same treat that you sent to me?? My mom says that is funny that at the begining I grabbed one in my mouth and carry it all around the house until I discovered it was a treat and started to eat it!
Making big noises in the middle of the night is not fun (my mom says that) and the more she tells me to be quiet the more I bark!
Kisses and hugs

the many Bs said...

those look like great treats. our mom buys them in bulk too, 'cuz we chew so many. they're good. growling and barking is part of the enjoyment, isn't it?! hee hee


Willie and Waylon said...

Wow - bulk shipments of treats - lucky!

You have scary eyes like we do...

Many Sniffs,
Waylon & Willie

Emily and Ike said...

How do I get treats as big as my body?

L said...

Those treats look amazing! We usually don't get treats like that because we fight over them and then get stinky farts. For some reason, our girl doesn't like that.
Comet and BLU

ps. I won the football game (~BLU)
No you didn't, I did (~Comet)

Le Mops said...

treets in bulk? It takes use weeeks to go through one! Maybe if you chew on Arrow, he'll stop chewing. hee hee *snorT*
Le Mops & Chewie

Urban Smoothie Read said...

one whole BOX of treats !!! mind to share a few stick?...

Gudrun said...

Hi Deefor!

Wow, that Arrow kid is a busy pup! That box o' treats looks wonderful. How long do you think it will take to eat through them? Two, three days?

Nubbin wags,

Poppy said...

You want his and he wants yours? I guess the treats and always better on the other side of the fence. :)
