Sunday, December 2, 2007

Christmas Card Blues

Arrow and I have been working on Christmas cards. We got some great ones from other doggies. But we haven’t sent ours.

We dressed up for it. My owner mom put us on the table with a big present. I was a little nervous. We don’t go on the table in front of her, and now she is saying Sit and Stay as if it is fine. Arrow jumped off. Me too.

Then she tried the floor. Arrow squirmed and started losing his Reindeer suit. Then he took the rest off. I didn’t want to sit with him.

I look like the elf from outer space. Pretty scary. Then I heard the bearded one talking about using super glue to keep us in the box. But hang in there. We’re still working on it.


ycling said...

I think you look pawsome deefor.


Amber-Mae said...

Oh, I'm sure your mom ill get the best shot of you both together soon.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Lorenza said...

Hi, Deefor
You are giving your mom a hard time trying to get your christmas picture!
You made me laugh with the ones you posted!
Sure she will get the perfect one!
Have a good night

Lizzy said...

Isn't it so hard to stay still long enough for the Christmas pictures? I like the ones you have so far! And I hope you get the best one for the cards soon!


Joe Stains said...

the humans and their quest for card perfection, they should think about what they are doing to us poor dogs!

(how was that for drama?!)

L said...

We feel your pain. Our girl kept making us touch things that we aren't allowed to touch, and then wondered why we thought it was a mean trick. Serves your mom right for trying to trick you into getting on the table.
Comet and BLU