What's Your Name: Arrow
4 Letter Word: Arrf
Vehicle: ATV
TV Show: All in the Family
Boy Name: Al
Girl Name: Avalanche (girl doggie)
Alcoholic Drink: Arftini
Occupation: Airedale pilot
Something you wear: Ankle Bracelet
Celebrity: Ashley Judd
Food: Anything on the floor-- or anywhere!
Something in the bathroom: All sorts of confetti-making supplies in the trash
Reason for being late: A small shaggy dog stole my bone
Cartoon Character: (Fat) Albert
Something you shout: Aaaarrgggg! Let me out of this cage!
Arrow is really part goat. He ate a big piece of paper from a muffin on the sidewalk. He just swallowed it whole. Before that I think he ate a feather.
Arrow did a good job with his list!
I like his answer for the food question! I know about that!
Have a good night
LOL! I also pick up anything that's on the floor. But I don't eat veggies unless I'm forced too.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
I think Arrow and the Doofus are long lost brothers somehow. He eats EVERYTHING also.
Good job on your list, Arrow. It's not important that it took you so long to get to it. What's important is that you had fun doing it. And had fun eating that feather too.
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