Thursday, July 22, 2010


When I was getting my special scratchies a last week, my bearded owner found some lumps. Not the usual I-hate-the-brush lumps of fur. One is big and flat, and the vet said it could be a fat lump. Fat lump!!! I am not fat! The other one is small and she's not sure what it is. I think it's those really old treats I couldn't chew up.

The vet is going to take them off Monday.

My personal trainer Arrow is still working me hard as ever. I'm giving him sleeping lessons.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We have had our share of lump experience too. We hope you do have just fatty ones. Good luck.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Niamh said...

Sorry to hear about your lumps! Hope that they are just the fatty ones. Make sure you act all pathetic after the surgery so that your people will feel sorry for you and give you lots of treats.

Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Paws khrossed fur the 'take off' to go well on Monday!

We'll be sending Sibe and Golden Retriever Vibes to KholWOOrado!

Khyra and Khousin Merdie

Asta said...

I hope the dogtow takes those lumpses offf wifout you feeling it and that you and youw pawsonal twainew Awwow can welax togethew aftew

smoochie kisses
pee ess you awe cewtainly NOT fat!

Lorenza said...

I am sorry to know about those lumps!
I will have my paws crossed hoping they are just fatty ones!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Huskee and Hershey said...

**soft whisper** Yo Deefor, I had some of those fatty lumps removed too althought I definitely am NOT fat!! **Ahem**

Be sure to milk it for all it's worth ok... extra cuddles, treats, tummy rubs, etc...

Lacy said...

w00fs, me hopes the lumpy fatty things are just lumpy fatty things and not the rest saided, make sure u gits a bunch of treats..

b safe,

Dexter said...

Sounds like the old dog bumps to me. Hopefully nothing serious. Good luck at the vet.


the many Bs said...

hey Deefor, our Brody and Benson have lumps too. even our ugly human has lumps. we hate lumps! you are a smart dog to get your lumps removed. we will be sending you lots of love and poodle power to have an easy go of it, a speedy recovery and that the lumps are just stupid lumps and not the really bad kind. let us know how you are doing, okay?


Green-ish said...

Good luck tomorrow Deefor! Sending good vibes your way!

-Yoshi and Cody

Duke said...

Our paws are crossed that they are just the fatty kind, Deefor!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Southbaygirl said...


I hope the lumps are only fat!!! Even though you aren't fat!!!



Asta said...

I'm cwossing my paws fow you ..i hope youw pwoceedoowe goes pawfectly wif gweat wesults
smoochie kisses

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

DWB sent me, so sorry to hear about the lumps. I pray that efurything goes well, you'll be happier and healthier in no time.
My Pug brother has a huge fatty lump on his left shoulder, Vet said just leave it as long as it doesn't bother him.