Saturday, July 31, 2010

Lump Update

Thanks to everydog and especially DWB for all the crossed paws and good vibes and doggy power. One lump was fat and that was easy. (No more whipped cream on my white chocolate mocha lattes!) The other was different and I have lots of stitches.

They wrap me up so I can't scratch them and chew on them. The lab report (guess those labs are everywhere-- even working for the vet!) said I have an infection and I am getting medicine. Hope it's all gone soon.

Arrow has been looking out for me. Not a really good nurse like Asta, but he lets me sit in his favorite chair. I feel fine except for the itchy stitchies.

Lots of love and thanks.

p.s. Don't tell Arrow but I'm going camping! He's going to City Bark Denver the place for dogs who bark too much and drive everyone crazy. You can check on him. Just go to the web-cam for Denver.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Thanks fur the lump-date!

Paws khrossed fur some khwikhk and khomplete healing!

Happy Khamping too - whether it be in the great outdoors or indoors!


Niamh said...

Sorry to hear about the infection. But at least they haven't put a satellite dish on your head. Hope you are feeling fine for the camping trip.

Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We hope the meds will clear up that infection. We are once again dealing with lumps too - poor Phantom. Leave those stitches alone now and get well soon.

Woow ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Lorenza said...

Hi, Deefor!
Thanks for the update!
I hope you will be fully recovered in time for your camping time!
Glad Arrow has been nice with you!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

the many Bs said...

hey Deefor, whew, we're glad to hear that you're doing okay. you are totally wrapped up! you almost look like a mummy! hee hee!

we are kind of tired of labs - they always steal our balls when we are swimming after them. we hope your lab report is good. let us know, okay?

have fun camping. we know Arrow will have fun at his barking camp too.


Dexter said...

So all the barking dogs in one camp together? Get out the ear plugs.

Deefor! Get better. I think your little shirt looks quite stylish.


Southbaygirl said... least it was only a nasty infection!!! I hope you have fun camping Deefor, sorry Arrow cant come with you!!


Noah the Airedale said...

Thanks for the update matie. Hope you're better soon. Take it easy ok.

Noah x

Simba and Jazzi said...

We hope you continue to feel better.

Simba and Jazzi x

TwoSpecialWires said...

Oh dear. We've been gone too too long. How's the lump? How's the healing? And how was the camping?

We're hoping for good reports. All around.

Jake and Fergi xxoo