A day of cleaning. The rugs. The floors. Laundry. Even Arrow. He got a bath. Now he smells like the bearded one. I think they use the same shampoo. Nice but not too doggie. He’s so clean we didn’t go to the muddy dog park. I like him better dirty.
Arrow too. He sleeps with his eyes open.
Hi, Deefor!
No bath for you?? I just can imagine Super Deefor there!
I do the same when my mom is cleaning! And my mom agrees. She says I am more helpful if I sleep instead of messing around!
I sleep like Arrow. With my eyes opened and my grandma says I look scary!
Have a great weekend
Kisses and hugs
hi Deefor, you sure look cute when you are taking your nap.
we like how you greet your bearded one. your tail is wagging really fast and you are very springy on your feet with your jumping. we can tell you are very happy.
we're glad that your dog boarding worked out okay for you. it's good to be home again though, isn't it!
Hey Deefor,
Way to bully Arrow out of rubbies! I do the same thing to Trudy. Jumping on her head is an especially effective method.
Murphy Dogg
What a day, I HATE when the people clean. I get so mad, I don't like anything being moved around. I tell ya the dogs that sleep with their eyes open are definitely demented.
Aww, poor Arrow cannot say hello to your dad too. It looked like you really miss him Deefor & you love the belly rubs don't chu?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Deefor, nice that you dont have to take the bath. You sure look very happy and excited to see your bearded one
~ Girl girl
Hi Deefor.. .u dun like bath huh.. me too.. when i see mum start cleaning the house.. i will automatically get tired.. it is so bored just looking them cleaning the house..
Bet you were soo glad you didn't get a bath Deefor....i like getting brushed, it makes me falll asleep. You look soo cute sleeping.
lot of licks
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